
St. Augustine's has been growing over the past 7 years, admitting 45 pupils each year to support it's ever evolving local community.

We are lucky to have a Nursery that is joined to our school that plans excellent teaching opportunities alongside our two Reception classes.

Across the rest of the school, we are split into three phases.

  • Key Stage One has three mixed Year 1&2 classes. Each class has 30 children of 15 Year 1s and 15 Year 2s.
  • Lower Key Stage Two has three mixed Year 3&4 classes. Each class has 30 children of 15 Year 3s and 15 Year 4s.
  • Upper Key Stage Two has three mixed Year 5&6 classes. Each class has 30 children of 15 Year 5s and 15 Year 6s.

The mixed phase classes all work closely together, by sharing planning and resources as well as participating in events and trips together.

St. Augustine's is a very popular school serving Catholic and non-Catholic families. We value and are proud to serve a diverse, multi-cultural and multi-faith community, teaching our values of universal love and acceptance of each other.

For first admission to school, children are admitted at some time during the year in which they attain their fifth birthday. The school year is from 1st September to 31st August the following year.

Admissions to the school are the responsibility of the School Governors. However admissions for Reception are handled by Norfolk County Council's Directorate of Children’s Services. The school handles Nursery admissions for which there is a separate Nursery application form and it must be sent direct to the school. Admissions to established classes are also handled by the school but you can apply via Children's Services.


It is very important to register your interest in our school for your child as early as possible by completing an application form. Early registration is extremely helpful to the school in order to predict the places that will be available. During the autumn term before your child is due to start school Norfolk County Council issues to the families concerned a preference form. It must be completed and returned to them for your child to be considered for a Reception place or you can apply online on the Norfolk County Council website. You will also need to complete a supplementary information form as the school uses information not collected by Children’s Services to allocate places according to our criteria.

It is compulsory to provide a photocopy of your child’s baptism certificate as proof of membership of the Roman Catholic Church.  IF WE DO NOT HAVE EVIDENCE OF BAPTISM THEN YOUR CHILD WILL BE PUT INTO ANOTHER CATEGORY WITH LESS PRIORITY FOR A PLACE.

Click HERE to download an application form for Classes other than Nursery

Click HERE to download an application for Nursery

Click HERE to visit the Admissions page of Norfolk County Council Children's Services

Click HERE to see our Local Authority Funding Agreement

Admission Criteria

Sometimes the demand for places often exceeds the number available and special criteria are followed when allocating places. Click HERE to download our current policy, including the criteria used to decide the allocation of places. Where the school is named in an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), the Governing Body has a duty to admit the child to the school.

If all children within any of the criteria cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school within that rule. To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured on a straight line ‘crow fly’ basis, using Ordnance Survey data.

If parents are unsuccessful in their first application to Reception Class their child’s name will be placed on a Waiting List held open until 31st December of the year of entry and they will be advised should a vacancy occur. After January 1st, applicants have to reapply.

Admission Criteria for The Nursery

Children are eligible for the Nursery in the academic year after they reach the age of three. Our Nursery is open every weekday during term time 9.00-15.00 a.m.

The criteria for selecting children for Nursery places is the same as for the main school.

Children who are unsuccessful in obtaining a place may be placed on a waiting list and parents will be advised should a vacancy occur.

Parents accept a place in our nursery on the understanding that the school claims all of their Government funding for nursery education and that their child will attend all 5 morning sessions.

We offer Government funded sessions of 15 hours per week, every morning between 9am and 12 noon during term-time. Children may also stay for optional afternoon sessions, which includes lunchtime care, between noon and 3pm. The cost of an afternoon session is £10 or is covered by the Government 30 hours funding, if eligible.


Applications are treated separately for Nursery and Reception.

Right of Appeal

All appeals for Reception are to be made direct to the admissions section at County Hall. Any other appeals should be sent to the school for the attention of the Chair of Governors.

St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School
19 West End, Old Costessey, Norwich NR8 5AG

TEL: 01603 743317

FAX: 01603 743833